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"I once knew a girl Who was the love of my world Her smile was heaven And her heart was grace But I was full of hate So I left her lying in our bed Composed a note off the top of my head And halfway down the road I thought About her love and suddenly stopped Ran back home to find her lying dead I should of stayed in bed There's a troubling thing with making friends They attach like leeches until there fed Then leave you blind and dripping red I got a lot of words but I don't know how to speak them I'm filled to the brim but my glass could use some more I banked on keeping you until the day I met the reaper But I guess our plans have changed To rest some flowers at your grave Was the last place I went yesterday To rest some flowers on your grave Was the first thing I sobbed about today There's a troubling thing with making friends They attach like leech until there fed Then leave you blind and dripping red I got a lot of words but I don't know how to speak them I'm filled to the brim but my glass could use some more I banked on keeping you until the day I met the reaper But I guess our plans have changed" I found this. It's not my work but it think it's Beautiful.
Sweets: Dresses that make me feel pretty, Fat-FREE Chocolate Pudding for breakfast, Ali calls for silly reasons, Smith thinks I'm cute, Picnics in the Park with Pastrami Sandwiches, Naps in the morning, Pooter getting happy to see me, Ace-ing my Psych Quiz!, Being the bigger person and not looking, Watching my windmill blow in the wind, Playing the Player, Looking forward to a weekend of Bessfrienn Adventureland Partying!, Feeling hope for love again, Park Night Pizza Picnic with the Homos, Having a nice Rack, Starbucks Vente Iced Green Tea Sweetened, Saving 81% on Cosmo and Marie Claire, My shows are back in season, Getting my paper turned in on time, Pastor Matt driving up next to me on Orange Terrace, Gabby getting her liscense, Pooter getting groomed, Kissing boys, New books to read, Pineapple in my tum tum, The feeling I get from saying "tum tum", D.Dino adding me before I ever asked, Feeling independent enough to not need anyone to make me happy, Friday means BUFFET! Wooo!Sours: Bike got a flat twice in 24 hours, Not enough money in the Piggy Bank for my Fridgiator, Needing a pedicure, Having to work on Friday night, Smith hasn't asked me yet, D.Dino is flawnting his new toys, All my friends moved to either Santa Barbee or Long Betch, Zit on my nose, Dirty socks, No B.Frienn, Bit my cheek, Bessy being sad, Hot as a MF, Missing the Beach, Being Flabby, Fakey Flakey Friends, Pooter eats tissue paper, Hair is a mess, Boogers in my Nostrils, Almost kissed a girl, Pooter needs to be Potty Trained, Scars on my shins, No more Chocolate Pudding, I want to steal my neighbors Lawn Knome but i"m afraid i'll get caught!
I'm selfish, but I never lied. I fucking hate your gorgeous bone structure. Your intentions are always ill. And your lips were always delicious when they did not taste of cancer. Those were my songs, how dare you share them with her. Quit lingering and quit giving me a reason to look. We can't be friends. You have no friends. Your a liar and a manipulative fake with an uncircumcised life. I hope you know she was right. You weren't worth a second of my time. They were all right about you. Every life you touch is not better but worst because you were in it. You'll never find peace and you'll never know this was meant for you. I didn't feel a thing and I'll never wait again.
I laugh, even when no one can hear me. I fell in love with my bestfriend... twice. I broke it then hid it from you. I slept with him and didn't tell you. I wish I could inspire. I tasted it, then put it back. I wanted to steal it but didn't. Jealousy flows through my veins. I miss you everyday. I like myself... sometimes. I want to be inappropriate with you for the rest of my life. I buy fruit and books when I'm sad. I'm most sad when I think of you. Although you have the power to make me hurt, I also give you the power to heal the hurt. She knew what to hate me for, before I ever did it. I did it all for you. I'll never know if you really cared back. All of my friends think I have better friends than them. I can never stay free for long. I don't know why I did it.
I'm finding it difficult to say the things i mean, to the people i want to say them too. I love you, I hate you, and that boundary in between. Almost every time i am too late. I'm constantly asking myself the same questions and battling myself on whether the thoughts i think should be voiced. Then shifting through the frustration of losing the battle. When you fight yourself you always lose.