Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do you ever feel that need for direction? That something that tells you - assures you, that the rough, bumpy, dirt road you've decided on is the right one. You said it was to find yourself. But do you ever really find yourself? And if you did, then where was it that you were hiding in the first place? I don't think we are ever searching to find ourselves. Instead maybe we're searching to find a way to define the person we already are. Because who we are has been with us all along. While you were out searching for yourself at the top of the mountain or in the love interest of the month you simpley forgot that the person you were really looking for, was in your shadow. And the funny thing about shadows is that in the dark, they're hard to see. I wonder if this will make sense to anyone. What i'm trying to say is stop looking! You are fine! You are whole and you are great. Fill yourself with the things that you can do to make you happy and look to no one else for satisfaction. Everything you need, all the strength you feel that needs to be musterd up to get you through the struggle you have found yourself in, all of that strength already lies within you. So you can play around hoping that you'll find yourself or you can look within and meditate on it 'til you realize the truth.

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