Tuesday, January 19, 2010

That is all I needed. It's enough. It feels good. That unspoken truth revealed about the feelings people feel for one another. It's comforting to know that even though big romantic gestures don't happen very often, that doesn't mean that people don't care. I think we all get a little to washed up in the idea that if someone gives a shit about you then they should show you every single day. Well fuck that! We seem to forget about the fear of rejection or bad timing. Love is not always stronger than doubt. I think grasping at the simple fact, that there is more to life than romantic entanglements, will lead people to live much more fulfilling lives. It's at least worth a shot right?

1 comment:

  1. Mhmm definitely. You know what they say, until you learn to love you for yourself, you're not ready to be in a mature relationship. And though massive coffee-cart gestures (ahem, I may have loved the first series of the OC) can be awesome and heartwarming, I've found that a just as comfortable symbol of love is just being there when you're needed.
