Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
"B I just wanted to remind you that I am proud of you. I think you are doing great things in your life and I'm not sure people stop to tell you enough. Everyone is always worrying about their own lives and talking to you about there problems when you have had to learned to over come some of yours all on your own while managing to hold your hands out steady for others. You have a heart as big as Alaska, and I say Alaska because with every Ice berg in the sea Alaska just looks and grows bigger in size. Which is exactly the way you are. You have learned to love your self as well as everyone around you and for that your heart gets bigger and bigger each day. You say your lost sometimes, but if I remember correctly it was you who taught me that we are never truly lost but unable to define who we really are. We can be who ever we want to be, and maybe that definition changes each day. So who cares :)... We define our selves !! So loving ourselves, Laughing at the good and the bad , and looking for new directions is where were so post to be. I'm right there with you. I know we haven't been in the best place this past year but you know what we have never been completely lost. although we are in different places, have busier lives and may not have as much time for each other, Our pieces to our puzzle still fit and for that when we said we will always be friends Foreever. I feel like it can never dissipate, what we have is different, odd , and has its ups and downs but there is never a day when I want to loose you completely. Your my best friend forever, you are aspiring, a butterfly who can never be held in one spot, your a dreamer who's going to live all her dreams, your the sugar that each person needs in their daily diet, deep down your a fighter through the good and the bad (And fighting only makes us stronger), your a a goober and you are the author of your novel, who has already written so many excellent chapters . You need to be reminded of these things because B you are the Shit , and you should never think differently !! ♥"
Ever since my niece was born I have dedicated very little time to this magical place I used to adore very muchly. A blog which once served as a place for me to be myself and to vent about the beauty and the tragedy that is life, has sadly been neglected. I'm taking it back now though. I'm looking forward to the long dramatic schpeels about all my whiny thoughts on love and wanting and other philosophical nonsense. The process of reinvention has begun, I feel like I'm finally opening a window for fresh air.
On a side note: I need to make a written commitment to myself to quit while I am ahead. If you know it's wrong, don't do it.
1.)Get lens fixed again and get busy on the photography. (Stop saying and just do it!)
2.)Get more involved with the stuff that makes you happy. And start finishing you're projects!
3.)Work on the cupcakes! Create a recipe!
4.)Go up Mt. Rubidoux in the dark and watch the lights for a while.
5.)Ace Bio 1!
6.)Stop caring what others think of you and avoid situations where you're instincts scream run away! Quickly!
7.)Start fishing in a new pond.
8.)Forgive and move on.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
-Miranda July
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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