Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ever since my niece was born I have dedicated very little time to this magical place I used to adore very muchly. A blog which once served as a place for me to be myself and to vent about the beauty and the tragedy that is life, has sadly been neglected. I'm taking it back now though. I'm looking forward to the long dramatic schpeels about all my whiny thoughts on love and wanting and other philosophical nonsense. The process of reinvention has begun, I feel like I'm finally opening a window for fresh air.
On a side note: I need to make a written commitment to myself to quit while I am ahead. If you know it's wrong, don't do it.
1.)Get lens fixed again and get busy on the photography. (Stop saying and just do it!)
2.)Get more involved with the stuff that makes you happy. And start finishing you're projects!
3.)Work on the cupcakes! Create a recipe!
4.)Go up Mt. Rubidoux in the dark and watch the lights for a while.
5.)Ace Bio 1!
6.)Stop caring what others think of you and avoid situations where you're instincts scream run away! Quickly!
7.)Start fishing in a new pond.
8.)Forgive and move on.
Make a Change.

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