Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"I don’t really believe that there are Artistic people and the opposite. I think there are people who try to be creative or try to look at the world differently and take on the task to report what they’ve seen to others. Humans are innately creative in my opinion and to tap and dig deeper into
that part of your mind is the goal, if that’s what you’re in to. I don’t really know much else to say, other than I see people reject the opportunity to express themselves daily. I never used to feel
comfortable showing people something I created. Self consciousness. And now, just like this blog is an expression of me, I want to get all of what’s in my head out and hopefully do it right so you understand where I’m coming from. But the intention isn’t always achieved and the process of growth to get better at your method of communication, shouldn’t be feared but enjoyed. Life is growth and life is struggle with moments of payoff and enlightenment. I gain inspiration from the opportunity to grow individually and to encourage other people not to worry about judgement, cause everyone had to start somewhere."
-Adam from The New Limb

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