Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and 'til the end... I will always be you're friend.

Dear FreeBird,
Please pick up your lazy bum from that couch and write the paper already. Do not soak in your discomfort for surely it will seize to exist soon enough. Remember to wear you heart not on your sleeve but wherever is most cozy. (Possibley locked inside your rib cage, where it belongs?) Understand that there is no such thing as luck, karma bares more of a logical explanation, if you ask me. But you didn't, so I'll shut my trap and think before I speak. Care not what others think, for the thoughts of two or five do not compare to the one that truly matters. Be not confused by your emotions. They are of little use to your conception of truth. But still, please love immensely. For love can do no harm with pure intentions. Be instinctively driven and you shall never go wrong. Thrill yourself with adventure and be not tempted by attraction, but rather good-natured conversation. Hug many. Hurt few. Knowingly state your intent. As for the rest... leave it to the wild things to discover. You will never be quite as lovely and radiant as u are in your purest form. So feel free to be unsoiled. You are entitled to know that you are one of the finest treats. Steadily move those tired fingers through the pages of this chapter and soon you will find yourself in the next. Be sure to remind yourself once in a while though, that you and only you are the author of this novel. The other characters may take on their own thoughts but you get to decide how the story ends.

With Love,
Hindered Wings

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